Friday, August 26, 2005

A not new stove

Mt friends mom bought this stove as her actuall stove, like this is what she is going to cook xmas dinner in. Can you imagine the time it takes to preheat a stove of this vintage, not to mention the amount of heat that must escape into your home. The turkey won't be the only thing cooking.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Patty's Baby Boy

My buddy Pat had a baby, fortunately its head did not pop off, unlike Mary, who's baby's head did pop off. We all thought she was joking till she showed up at league night with the head as her ball.

Highway Driving

Do people still flash their headlights when they have passed a cop on the highway to warn oncoming speeders of the dangers looming ahead. I remember when I younger you would see this all the time, now I don't see it at all. If this is no longer common practice I think we as a people should bring it back.