Thursday, September 29, 2005

Friday, September 23, 2005

Cut off by my ISP!!

So I goto check my email the other day and after some confusion realized that my internet was down. I called my ISP and they informed me that my account had been suspended for bandwidth violations. I didn't even know they had a limit on bandwidth. So after some knoodling they reactivated my account and told me to watch it. They also informed me that they had been emailng me at the account I got with my service, again I didn't even know that existed. I have no need for ISP based email, your ISP changes too often and its a pain to change email addresses. Anyway so I read the letters and then goto this page that tells me my usage, this is what it read.


Monthly combined bandwidth limit: 15360 MB
Current month's bandwidth used to date (MB)
Upstream: 83737
Downstream: 70610

Current month's percentage of combined limit used: 1004 %
Current month's estimated bandwidth usage (based on the current daily average usage): 201300 MB
Estimated amount current limit will be exceeded by (based on the current daily average usage): 185940 MB


So if I am using 100 times what I am alotted I really don't think this relationship with my ISP is gonna work out. I asked and they can't offer me another package, their loss.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Apocalyptic Flashlight

My buddy got this flashlight at Shoppers Drugmart. It doesn't take batteries. All you do is shake it and the magnet and copper coil create a charge and allow the flashlight to emit light. This is by far the greatest invention I have come across since tiny FM transmitters.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Back to work

So I'm back to work and once again projecting the illusion of productivity, I'm telling ya this is a skill. So anyway, between writting a short story and doing crossword puzzles at work today I happened upon a fly. You know the type, little black, obnoxious. Anyway, so I got to thinking, when a fly is landed on the ceiling do you think it knows its upside down?