Wednesday, April 13, 2005

What happened to the water.

I also spend parts of my day sorting through messages left for the weather network, yes people have an outlet to complain about the weather. This is an actuall message left this morning.

Hi my name is George I used to live in and around London Ontario. I called you from there, now I moved to wiarton actually west from wiarton, which is north of London Ontario. Uh, its unbelievable, in grand bend and port franks along the lake Huron area they’ve been dredging the water because the waters been going down so much. Well I came out here, I’ve been coming out to wiarton area for many many years, over ten years and when the snow just melted just west of wiarton, there’s a place called sandy bay and a place called elephant, the waters gone, you can literally walk to the island, the boats there were hundreds upon hundreds of boats that used to be there, the docks like there’s no water, I think, I’m damn sure now that Americans have put a big huge pipe in the thing and they’ve been taking so much water its unbelievable, like you wanna see how much water is gone, just come and see. It’s unbelievable. My phone number is 5X9-5X4-4X2X. There’s no way drought has done this, lake Huron will be without water in probably ten years there will be no more water in lake Huron, If you look at how much water has gone between last year and this year oh boy, what happened to the water.

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