Friday, May 13, 2005

On the topic of razors

I bought a Mach3 Turbo quite sometime ago. It honestly works well. Thats the not the reason for this snippet today. You see I was shaving one day when all of a sudden the razor leaped from my hands and fell to the floor with a sonic boom. A little plastic piece on the end seprated from the razor chassis that caused the blade to fall off all the time. I devised a system in which I wet a piece of unused tiolet paper and jammed it in with the little piece of plastic and that seemed to work. It still fell out once in awhile but it worked ok. So anyway I decide like 6 months later to call Gillette about my razor. I spoke with a woman at their customer support center and without any proof of purchase or even a barcode from the packaging she decided that she would send me a check for $12US to cover the broken razor. I am still awaiting my check as it has only been like 4 days. I will let you know if it clears.

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