Wednesday, June 22, 2005

What a day!!

I actually broke a sweat at work today, now you ask why is he posting this. Well the thing is I tend to sit on my ass and project the appearance of productivity. For some reason I actually had to do something today and man I broke a sweat, I don't think I've ever gotten even winded at work. I have always worked desk jobs because of my fear of manual labor, but if this continues I may have to find a more stagnant job. Suggestions are welcome.

1 comment:

trickybrit said...

oh my god. i can relate. i shop online and blog all day. and when i'm given something to file, i feel like quitting. like what the hell is this? i'm not getting paid to work.

you should work in a tollbooth, sell drugs or start your own religion. then you won't have to move or do anything-- the people come to you.